-scoreboard problems within TA.
Scoreboard was reporting the wrong number of players and ghost players
- Problems with NT 4.0 and Sound within version 1.27h
- single player crash when a player would replay q3dm0 in single player mode
- In TA, if a player gets an award sound in warmup, the sound will repeat for no reason once the map restarts
- single player bug that would change the fraglimit and capture limit of single player maps
- proxmine sounds trying to be loaded in non-TA game
- wrong "Transfer rate" being reported on autodownloads in CTF
- If a password on a dedicated server is set, bots cannot connect
- r_lodcurseerror is not cheat protected
- Single player all maps, can get stuck in third person view after round is over
- Crash - Scrolling through the players Handicap during single player match
- Auto-download problems in certain cases
- Player model animation/After giving orders, player becomes stuck in animation
- Users not being able to change music in maps
- Guard Cheat...Set your handicap at 10,000 via the console then pickup a guard. It sets your health at some insane value (16000 or )
- Crash - starting a sever, filling all slots with bots
- Voteable maps are based on client's gametype - not server's
- set predictable player events to zero on spawn because the prediction is out of sync anyway
- double player entity events (double events a client plays on other players in the game)
- synced client shotgun spread pattern with server
- server crash on map load due to sending config strings
- Some of the orders in the in-game menu function wrong
- Mouse sensitivity being altered by changes made in code that communicates with direct input
- Demos in Quake III 1.27g not showing up
- + \dir models/players/ tga.......the first letters of the filenames are omitted
- Add cvar "fs_baseGame" which allows people to base mods upon mods
- Quake3 - Single Player - Warnings received on q3dm0
- You don't hear the opponent taking the jumppad until u see him
- have a dedicated server reference the cgame.qvm in the last pk3 found when alphabetically ordered; for pure
- If you use forcemodel now in singleplayer it will default you to sarge and not let you choose another model to use.
- TA defaults to setting a time limit instead of a frag limit on single player games
- Q3A/Q3:TA specific flag on entities
- In CTF, if a user times out with the flag it is gone from game until map is restarted
- "spawn inside a player" bug
- Add OSP TAB in TA and fixed alliance tab in server browser
- Quake3 - Single Player - Warnings received on q3dm0
- if a user times out with the flag it is gone from game until map is restarted
- TA and Q3 Screenshot overwrite bug.
- Voice taunt bug where sounds were being queued then released all at once.
- Dedicated server crash bug (Server would crash after 48hrs, every time)
- James model Error bug
- AutoJoin, Autobalence Bug...Probably related to scoreboard bug
- The intermission screen in a single player game has a button for "demo", that hints at a demo playback of the game that you just finished, however it does not work
- Shell - start server, CTF bot list is in FFA format
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